(Replanting of Nyireh Batu, Pulai, and Mengkuang. Traditionally Used for Wood Carvings and Craft, for Conservation)
Due to continuous usage and unsustainable harvesting of nyireh batu, mengkuang and pulai for carvings and crafts, the once abundant flora has now reached a level where prompt action must be taken to ensure the survival of the species in the area. Through replanting of said species, indigenous communities living on Pulau Carey are expected to have continuous supply of raw materials, whilst at the same time reducing the pressure on materials collected wild from surrounding forests. It is hoped that through this project, the indigenous people of Pulau Carey will have the opportunity to continue producing their carvings and crafts, thus ensuring the continued existence and practice of their culture especially amongst the younger generation, and at the same time generate sustainable income due to steady supply of raw materials. The project also hopes to document the skills of the elders in producing carvings and crafts.
Source: http://www.sgpptf.org/projects.asp?PageID=195
Source: http://www.sgpptf.org/projects.asp?PageID=195